
Configuring node.js and Npm on Ubuntu

The rapid pace of development on node.js and npm has resulted in frequent releases and huge improvements. As an unfortunate side-effect, the official Ubuntu provided packages quickly become outdated. To ensure an Ubuntu system is using the lastest stable (or unstable) versions of node.js and npm currently requires an extra bit of work. This tutorial describes how to install the lastest stable versions of node.js and npm on an Ubuntu system.

Install Developer Packages

Install the packages needed to download, build and install node.js and npm.

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential libssl-dev openssh-server pkg-config curl git-core

node.js Installation

curl -L http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.6.11/node-v0.6.11.tar.gz | tar -C /tmp -xzf -
cd /tmp/node-v0.6.11
make -j2 && sudo make install
cd ~/
rm -rf /tmp/node-v0.6.11

npm Installation

As of node.js 0.6.3, npm is included and installed on make install. The following installation instructions are included for historical purposes only.

curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sudo sh

Create a Dedicated User Account

To avoid the security concerns caused by running applications as root, you may want to create a user responsible for running node apps.

sudo adduser --home /home/node --shell /bin/bash --disabled-password node

Become the user and generate an SSH keypair:

sudo su - node
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa

For security, the user account is created with password logins disabled. In order to login via SSH, create or edit the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, copy in your public key, save ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and assign correct access permissions.

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Installation Script

To automate installation I’ve collected the above steps into a shell script. To install node.js and npm using this method download and run the shell script using the following command:

wget -q -O - https://raw.github.com/cvee/ubuntu-env/master/install-node.sh | sudo sh

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